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Get to Know Us




Alpha Delta Pi holds the distinction of being the first secret society in the world established for college women. The sorority was founded on May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia. The original name was the Adelphean Society, as the word "Adelphean" is derived from the Greek word meaning sister. 


The precursor to Alpha Delta Pi, the Adelphean Society, was founded by Wesleyan students Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald, Ella Pierce Turner, Octavia Andrew Rush, Mary Evans Glass, Elizabeth Williams Mitchell and Sophronia Woodruff Dews. These six women founded the sorority on the principles of scholarship, sisterhood, leadership, service, and loyalty. The Adelphean Society flourished over the years, and in 1904 the members voted to become the national organization of Alpha Delta Pi.


Wesleyan's chapter was called Alpha because it was established first. Within two years of nationalization, four new chapters were installed. Today, there are approximately 130 active Alpha Delta Pi chapters on college campuses throughout the United States and Canada. The oldest chapter still in existence is the Delta chapter at the University of Texas. 

Alpha Delta Pi's founder, Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald, was inspired in founding the Adelphean Society to create an "association for improvement." Despite the ever-growing sisterhood of ADPi, membership in this organization means improving ourselves in leadership, scholarship, service, and sisterhood. As sisters, we encourage each other to pursue our goals and passions and value character above all else. At ADPi, we encourage a membership that represents and supports a diverse population by celebrating our common values and appreciating the differences we bring to create a welcoming, supportive sisterhood.


Here at UNC Chapel Hill, our Beta Upsilon Chapter is proud of our consistent record of the highest GPA among chapters on campus and continues to support our sisters in their academic endeavors. As a chapter, we are committed to providing a space where our members graduate as better versions of themselves than they were when they first arrived at UNC. 

With the diamond as one of our symbols, our sisterhood is just as everlasting. With over 150 alumnae associations, your membership and sisterhood last a lifetime. As stated in our Creed, Alpha Delta Pi is something that you are and not just something you become. The development you undergo as a member of ADPi will last you a lifetime and will be something you carry with you from graduation and beyond. We are proud of what our chapter symbolizes and represents since 1851, keeping us the first and the finest forever.

Our Creed

I BELIEVE in Alpha Delta Pi.
I BELIEVE that my sorority is more than a ritual or a symbol; that it is a way of life.
I BELIEVE that the principles established by our founders in 1851 are enduring attributes, exemplifying the highest ideals of Christian womanhood.
I BELIEVE that our motto, "We Live for Each Other", expresses the true spirit of fraternity; and that by living this motto my life will be enriched by true friendships and by unselfish service to mankind.
I BELIEVE that the privelege of membership in Alpha Delta Pi brings the responsibility to do my best in whatever I undertake, always remembering that leadership requires confidence tempered with humility and courage blended with tolerance.
I BELIEVE that I must strive to become a well-balanced person by following the dictates of the four points symbolized by our diamond-shaped badge: first, strengthening my own character and personality; second, watching my attitudes to ward my fellow-beings; third, recognizing the value of high educational standards; and fourth, developing faith and loyalty.
I BELIEVE that these four guide-posts, guarded by the stars and friendly hands clasped in the Adelphean bonds of fellowship will lead me to achieve a rich and useful life.


Our Chapter

Beta Upsilon

Founded in 1939, the women of the Beta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi truly have formed a strong and lasting sisterhood. With almost 200 members, every ADPi sister knows the importance of bonding and supporting one another. We give advice, push each other through workouts, study together for exams, or catch the latest episodes of our favorite TV shows together. We especially love our special sisterhood events such as attending Holiday Tea at the Carolina Inn during the winter and taking a study break to crush a workout at Purvelo Cycling. Several sisterhood events that our chapter did this year was a decorate cookies and ice cream afternoon snack at the house. Whether we are making small memories or celebrating major milestones in each others lives, our ADPi sisterhood is a friendship that will last beyond the four years of college. 

Our Chapter

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"We Live for Each Other"




Azure Blue 






Alphie the Lion









Sisterhood, Self, Scholarship, & Service




Ronald McDonald House Charities


411 E Rosemary St
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Alpha Delta Pi
UNC Chapel Hill

© 2022 by Alpha Delta Pi Beta Upsilon.

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