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"We Live for Each Other."

Welcome to Our Chapter!

Welcome to the website of the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at UNC Chapel Hill!

Originally called the Adelphean Society, ADPi was founded in 1851 as the first secret society for women. Our motto, "We live for each other," truly encompasses how we view our relationships with each other and our community. At ADPi, we value friendship and service while also emphasizing academics and leadership development, encouraging participation in outside organizations. Founded in 1939, the women of the Beta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi have formed a strong and lasting sisterhood, and we look forward to opening our arms to a new pledge class every fall. We are proud of the unique qualities all of our members bring to our chapter that have shaped it into the community and sisterhood it is today. 




Head to our recruitment page to learn more about the process and what to expect!


Our Chapter

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Letter from our President

Welcome to the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! My name is Ashleigh Martens, and I am honored to serve as our Chapter President this year.
Alpha Delta Pi has played a crucial role in defining my college experience. Entering such a large university during a time when social interaction was limited, it was scary trying to find my place. When going through recruitment, each member of ADPi instantly stood out to me for different reasons, even if it was through a computer screen, and I knew that I would be able to find my place within this group of women. I am constantly in awe of the appreciation for individuality in our sorority. Everyone I meet is so different, with distinct personalities, backgrounds, and experiences. They say the people make the place, and Beta Upsilon is a true testament to that.
I am the first person in my family to be a part of Greek Life, which, at first, made me nervous. I was unsure of what to expect because I had no prior knowledge of the sorority experience or many resources to help guide me through the process. Going through recruitment, some of the most important things I was looking for were authenticity, acceptance, and support. And this sisterhood has given me everything I wanted and more. My sisters make me feel more than just welcomed; they make me feel wanted. Here, differences are not ridiculed - they're valued and respected. Our motto, "We Live For Each Other," speaks for itself. At Alpha Delta Pi, I felt a sense of belonging, something I feared I would struggle to find in college.
I don't want to know what my life would be like without this experience. My time in Alpha Delta Pi has gifted me with so much more than just unforgettable, lifelong friendships. It's given me countless leadership opportunities, unwavering support, endless Pi Luv, and so much more. It has shaped me into the person, friend, and leader I am today. The relationships I've built, the memories I've made, and the wisdom I've gained are invaluable. I can't say how grateful I am for Alpha Delta Pi and these women, who push me to be the best version of myself, play every role from mentor to best friend to family, and encourage me to be myself at all times. I thank each and every one of my sisters for putting their trust in me as Chapter President, and I can not wait to see what this next year has in store. 


Ashleigh Martens
Beta Upsilon Chapter President

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